Hey, lovies!

This was the first ever blog post I wrote! This was raw copywriting skills put to the test with the essence of how awesome the female species is.

It went something like this…

“Her beautifully designed body has been proven by the test of time.

Her physique, her mind and her strength are completely amazing.

The resilience of the female’s body makes her the mother of nature.

She is beautifully clad with a body specially designed for anything she puts her mind to.

She can bear children, take care of them, complete domestic tasks and work all at the same time. Even during the most extreme circumstances, she is able to work without a single complaint and still have the energy to keep going after that.

In the story of the first woman, Eve, she was exquisitely beautiful, and her husband loved her immediately. There were strong love and passion at first sight.

This woman was specially designed and built to suit the passions of herself first then her mate.

She was the prerequisite to the deepest form of intimacy her husband would ever experience in his lifetime. Her body was well kept.”

So too, should your body be well kept ensuring your ability to provide intimate fulfilment with full effect. This is where I have a role to play.

The mind is a beautiful thing, and if we cultivate it long enough, it will manifest its dreams and ultimately create the success we desire.

I didn’t mean to be all spiritual on you in my intro, but this is just the truth.

Plus, there’s a lot of information in this post. So, just try to read past my poetic language and absorb it all in.

If you enjoy it, you’re welcome in advance. If you don’t, well, probably you will share my poetic sense of humor on a next occasion. Anyway, I am still happy you decided to come for the goodies. So, let’s get started!

5 Easy Tips to Keep Beautiful

1. Maintain a relaxed mind & body

This should the priority of every woman.

The connection between your body and your mind has powerful effects.

A mind unwilling to relax and be at peace creates a body unsuitable to receiving and providing pleasure.

You must first be willing to lay down the object of distraction and stress. Once you do so, your mind will listen to your body’s calling.

The structure of your rosy organ has a sea of densely distributed nerves along its full length and breadth. Once your body is relaxed, the stimulation of those nerves will send the right information to your brain to release the love hormones in full force.

The longer the stimulation, the longer and more intense the depth of pleasure experienced.

Meditation practices will keep you maintained and ready at all times. It helps you perform effectively in all the roles you play as a woman; mother, wife, boss.

I personally do a few other things in addition to meditation, such as:

  1. Positive affirmation every morning
  2. Listening to motivational messages daily
  3. Singing
  4. Deep-breathing exercises
  5. Gratitude practices
  6. Praying about the things I feel are beyond my control (always end up getting the answers to my prayers faster than anticipated)

Additionally, the other 4 tips in the rest of this post will help to bring better peace of mind. So, keep reading for more!

2. Practice good personal hygiene

Feminine Washes are great to use. There are some cool ones on the market these days. Just ensure that the products in them are hypoallergenic.

These soaps can lower the risk for any irritation to the delicate skin of your rosy yoni. Less irritation for more comfort. Less irritation and change in pH mean less chances of yeast infections.

They also make you feel more confident to provide and receive ultimate pleasure. All that smells good, will feel good.

Hypoallergenic feminine wipes are good options also for when you twinkle. They leave a clean feel and unscented fragrance of pure freshness.

They key is to only use these products externally on the hairy surface of the skin.

These products are not to be inserted inside your rosy orifice. Insertion will cause harm rather than good.

Keep your skin moisturized all the time, and that includes your rosy yoni petals.

Adequate moisturization

  1. keeps the skin looking at its radiant best
  2. Reduces wrinkles
  3. Leaves you with a soft touch no one (your babies and bae) can deny.

3. Maintain the right diet & exercise

fruits - healthy breakfast start

If you want a healthy, lean physique, you must:

  1. consume the right foods
  2. do the right physical activities

There are endless benefits to consuming the right diet and having a healthy exercise schedule. The combination of diet and exercise:

  • releases the positive, happy hormones
  • improves self-confidence
  • improves sleep
  • improves the ability to multi-task and plan
  • maintains beautiful hair, skin and nails
  • maintains the right body mass index (BMI)
  • reduce stress and anxiety
  • reduces the risk of infections especially the Cold and Flu
  • reduce the risk of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease
  • reduces the risk of cancer
  • reduces the risk of premature death, inadvertently

Fruits and vegetables are the go-to providers of most of the vitamins and minerals we need. Consuming them are 100% better than taking them in pill form.

Your macronutrients too are essential for providing the necessary building blocks to maintain good bodily functions and keep your cells stable. They should be consumed in the right proportions for the optimal effects.

4. Practice good sleep hygiene

woman in bed asleep. sleeping allows your body to be rejuvenated

This is another essential part of your lifestyle that you should not ignore.

The number one benefit of sleep is for your body’s rejuvenationSleep is the number one detox method that has 100% benefits all the time.

According to the 2015 guidelines by the National Sleep Foundation, you should have between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day. Less or More than that tends to have adverse effects. However, a new study will be released later in 2018 so we await the new guidelines.

Less sleep means less time for rejuvenation and your body’s repair would be significantly altered and you get sick quite easily and often. It also has negative effects on the brain causing poor mental function and increased risk for stress and depression.

More sleep has the ability to alter your weight. It does this by reducing your number of active hours. Hence, the usual 10 to 12 hours of sleep makes you have a more sedentary lifestyle; which, by itself, increases the risk for lifestyle diseases such as obesity, hypertension and heart disease.

Therefore, you have to clean-up your sleep schedule and give your body just as it deserves.

5. Involve your Gynaecologist

This is a part of being healthy. Your Gynae should be involved prior to anything going wrong in your reproductive life.

Discuss your menstrual cycle, your fertility desires, contraceptive use and sexual function.

The concerns you have about all those areas are very important and we will gladly help to correct any dysfunction or imbalance.

Once you are uncomfortable with any sub-optimal performance, visit your gynaecologist promptly. Do not delay!

Your Gynae aims to ensure you always have full satisfaction for the sake of good health and happiness. But the power to make it happen lies in your hand.

If you keep up with the information we will be sharing on this platform, you will be empowered to start the conversation with your doctor. You will build positively on your health.


“Her knowledge is her power”.

Let’s wrap this up!

There you go, lovies. This is the complete entry of my first ever blog post.

I finally gave myself the chance to truly express my passion through copywriting.

I gave you tips that I know work and can take you closer everyday toward achieving a better sexual and reproductive health.

Let us know in the comment, which of these tips you will be implementing.

If you have been doing them from before, let us know which has been the most rewarding.

Thanks again, lovies!


You should read this too!

Sexual Health: 6 Things to do 2019

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