Hey, Lovies!

It’s Christmas!

Let the merry moments begin!

Let the magical peppermint goodness begin

Right now, the peppermint is a popular theme on the scene.

Peppermint, or Mentha piperita (scientific name) is a popular herb used for thousands of generations due to its health benefits.

This green, leafy herb is a hybrid of the watermint and spearmint species. This native European-Asian plant grown in almost every country of the world. I have some in my front garden right now.

The oils of this plant give it a very intoxicating aroma and taste that you cannot miss.

The oil also contains a substance called menthol, which is responsible for its cooling effects.

Now, most, if not all of us would have had a peppermint experience already. The winter confectionary is way too diverse to miss it.

Whether it was just a peppermint candy cane, the peppermint Tic-Tacs, the peppermint teas (hot or cold) or the peppermint brownies. One way or another, I am sure you lovies enjoyed it.

Have you ever considered how beneficial this special herb could be to your sexual health?

Have you ever thought about adding it to your diet for good?

I must admit, I certainly have.

This is why I have been using the peppermint over the last 2 months on a daily basis. And I must say, I have been enjoying every moment of it!

My personal experience has just been better health. I have been drinking it in my water 24/7 and it has been working wonders.

The oil of this mint is very powerful.

Powerhouse peppermint herb

Right now, I must admit that I wanted to give you details my experience with this powerful herb later down in the article but I could not prevent myself. I am way too excited!

But if you want to skip and head right into those ten reasons, jump down to the 10 reasons tab.

My experience

When I start feeling mentally fatigued during my super busy work days (which is always), the feeling is reversed as soon as I grab my peppermint infused water. Within a couple of minutes, my day feels brighter again and I can resume working efficiently.

My last two menses were more bearable than before too. The cramps came but they were very mild and only occurred in the first day compared to the usual 3 days. 

I usually get cramps like 1 to 2 days prior to my bleeding. But on those last two cycles, the cramps only started with my bleeding!

This was definitely a winner for me!

I noticed less bloating than my usual and super mild breast tenderness too.

It was as if the PMS monster bypassed my house.

I felt more energized than usual and the intense cravings I would experience during my menses were GONE.

I was shocked at how my body was responding.


The peppermint was the only new product I added to my life so I have no doubt in my mind that it is responsible for this new look to my menstrual cycle.

Now, I must say that I have heard quite a lot about the peppermint before. Most of the stories are what some persons would call old wife fables. But let me tell you, there is nothing fable-like about my experience.

So, I went in search for some scientific answers. Needless to say, research tends to be lacking a lot when it comes to herbal remedies.

But I think that I found enough information to sell you the truth of the stories our grandparents and great-grandparents would have told us about the good ‘ole peppermint.

And because I know it’s the winter holidays when the peppermint is flashing all over, I wanted to add some refined information to the forefront.

Nutritional content

You should get the basic nutritional content of the peppermint too, so you know what you are in for. The plant contains all the following nutrients:

  • Vitamins A, B2 (Riboflavin) , B6, C and Folate 
  • Manganese, Calcium, Iron, Copper
  • Potassium, Magnesium
  • Tryptophan and Omega-3 fatty acids 
  • Methylacetate, Menthone, Limonene, Pulegone, Cineol and Azulene

The peppermint offers quite a nutritious blend for us, and health is what we aim for all the time.

The point is, we want to enjoy special moments of the season and experience a better sense of well-being.

Her Ob&Gyn Care

I am sure we will all be encountering the popular peppermint candy cane we all so love. It’s a popular addition to many recipes that we shall surely be indulging in. (I highlighted a few recipes below too!)

So, let’s dive into how this green herb can improve our sexual and general health.

This list is not exclusive just to you. It will also have some info you can share with your friends and families.

Here are  the 10 reasons you should use peppermint more this winter season and beyond.

1. Peppermint reduces PMS

I know that sometimes, we lovies, wish we could just get over our menses. Some of us would give anything to not experience PMS. The wavelike cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, nausea,  andacne are sometimes just so overwhelming.

But, when the rough gets going, we go in search of solutions. Now, you will learn of a natural remedy you can whip out and find timely relief.

Peppermint can relieve nausea and vomiting associated with your menstrual cycle. It also can make you mentally stronger to deal with those PMS.

It has been used by our grandparents for centuries and it still works today.

The magic lies in the menthol effect of the oil. I can attest to this effect 100%.

So, when the PMS attacks, go for your peppermint.

You can place a little oil on your sideburn area, wrists or neck and just take in the aroma of the oil. You can also brew up a peppermint tea bag and sip along till your relief comes.

Play with it, find your preference and roll with it.

2. Peppermint can reduce menstrual cramps

Peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects. Hence, it’s a good remedy when those cramps get too intense for you. Brew up a tea or take some peppermint capsules and you will start to feel your relief in short order.

The evidence is mainly anecdotal, but it works for me.

I added my pepperminteucalyptus and  wintergreen oils together in my body cream and rub that on my lower abdomen. It felt like a heatpad was on my tummy. The pain slowly but surely improved and I was able to get on with my day.

3. Peppermint improves mental alertness

The aromatherapy of the oil is amazing in reducing your levels of anxiety, mental fatigue and frustration.

I can personally attest to that.

I drink my peppermint-infused water all day long and I have been feeling more relaxed these days.

Also, when I am on the job and I start to feel mentally fatigued, I sip on this water and I am back to my high-performance self within a couple of minutes.

Not to mention when I am driving. People do some crazy things on the road and I have found that I feel more alert and less frustrated when driving. Whatever we can do to keep safe while driving on our nation’s roads should be a keeper.

The peppermint has allowed me to have more restful sleep too.

These effects will carry over when you have PMS on board so kill the two birds with one stone, lovies.

Compliment of sexual health benefits of peppermint

4. Peppermint can treat that troll breath

Now is the time to treat that monster breath you or your friends may have.

Gums with peppermint or the well-loved Tic-Tacs can mask troll breath for some hours.

But if you want to really get rid those odour-causing bugs, get some mints leaves and chew on it, or just simple brew up a tea and drink on it.

The peppermint oil from those leaves will take their anti-bacterial effects.

You should be able to confidently give kisses and close-up talks afterward.

5. Peppermint rescue from seasonal cold and flu

T’is the season to get the cold or flu.

This happens for various reasons which I will not explain here.

Peppermint can make the experience less gruelling as you ride out the symptoms of these common infections.

You will be annoyed by that runny, stuffy nose that makes you feel so breathless. When these symptoms attack, you can fight back with the peppermint.

Peppermint is the go-to for symptom relief.

Anything that can improve your ability to breathe when those bugs have attacked your health should be a winner in your book.

Now, the menthol in the mint is not actually a decongestant. But it gives the feeling of improved airflow. Hence, all the popular decongestants include it in their product.

Another thing to note is that there are promising results as it pertains to the peppermint oil and other essential oils in the treatment of respiratory tractinfections cause by multi-drug resistant bugs.

So, you see, science is closer now in approving our ancestors’ story of the powerful, anti-bacterial peppermint effect.

6. Indulge in winter treats with better blood sugar regulation

In pre-diabetes or those at risk for diabetes, the peppermint essential oil (PEO) can reduce your blood glucose levels.

In animal studies, the PEO has been shown to give the pancreas and liver a boost to function at their best. There is a better secretion of insulin to stabilize blood glucose levels and quicker conversion and storage of any excess sugars in the blood. Human studies are not yet complete, but the outlook is promising.

The proof is not yet delivered, but some persons have reported hypoglycemic episodes while using peppermint. The effect is dependent on the dose too. These reports prompted the scientific research into the PEO’s anti-diabetic effects.

If you are at a point where you want to try something new to fix your blood sugar woes, speak with your doctor first before trying this powerhouse mint.

7. Peppermint buries your indigestion

This is such a common gastrointestinal dysfunction many women (and men) face. It can certainly get worse during the winter season. We tend to eat a bit more to provide more fuel for our bodies to keep it warm when temperatures plummet below zero.

So, you are likely to get a little indigestion this winter. But there is no need to fear it because there will be a remedy for this! It’s all in the peppermint!

The peppermint oil relaxes those intestinal muscles to aid the passage of food pass along the length of your gut.

In that light ,this is NOT recommended for the person with acid reflux (GERD) as your esophageal muscles are already weak and any more relaxation will worsen your reflux issues.

So, if you have indigestion, speak to your doctor BEFORE you start using this magic agent.

peppermint benefits for the entire family

 8. Peppermint treats IBS

With all the delicacies and new foods to try this Christmas, someone’s colon is likely to act up. It may be yours. In case it happens, you already know of a remedy to whip out.

A lot of persons may get the same symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – pain, bloating, diarrhoea. If that happens, call for the peppermint.

If you already know you have IBS, you can use the peppermint to suppress a new episode.

Peppermint has been shown to be a good alternative to prescribed medications. Studies have shown that peppermint oil capsules drastically improves and reduces symptoms of IBS within 30 days of therapy and continues up to six months of starting.

The peppermint essential oil has also been found to have some effect in relief of abdominal pain which occurs with diarrhoea-prominent IBS.

9. Minimize nipple cracks and pain in breastfeeding moms

So, go on and ask your doctor about it and see if this is the right fit for you and your intestines.

I don’t want to ever leave out my new (again) moms. You or your friends may still be breastfeeding this Christmas. Some of you will get a cracked nipple or two. The peppermint has some benefit to add to your baby-nurturing job.

Peppermint is reported to be superior to expressed breast milk in relieving pain associated with cracked nipples. It also makes you less likely to get cracked nipples.

Its application is quite simple. Just a small amount of peppermint oil mixed in water needs to be applied to those nipples after each breastfeeding episode. Just be sure to wipe it off prior to the next feeding.

Mothers should not just stop at using the oil on your nipples. You should consider adding it to your baths and your oil diffuser for the aromatherapy effects.

10. Peppermint APHRODISIAC spices up your life

This last one is the cherry on top of that nice ice-cream Sunday. I wish I could have some of that right now.

All the ingredients of the peppermint oil itself have a compounding stimulant effect.

This has been maximized since ancient times by the Greeks who widely used the peppermint as an aphrodisiac.

The cooling effect of the menthol causes a blood-rushing effect on the genitals, specifically making it more engorged and arousable during intercourse.

There is also some amount of relaxation which makes the experience more erotic and give more intense orgasms.

So, give it a try! Add it to your bubble bath and soak with your boo. Add it to your body cream and feel the beats of relaxation roll over your body.

Let the fireworks start and keep the flames of love burning this holiday!

It is now time to wrap this peppermint exploration up!

This strong-smelling herb has so many benefits. So, go ahead and give it a try and find your like, whether it be the aromatherapy or digestive healing.

Seek health on your way back to the roots.


Just beware of some precautions when using this gift from mother nature

  • Avoid if you have acid reflux, hiatal hernia or liver disease
  • Avoid if you have gallbladder disease
  • Avoid if you are more than 3-months pregnant or lactating
  • Do not apply to your baby’s skin
  • If you use too much of the pure oil, you can get a hypersensitivity reaction with rash and burning.

I have added some really nice pins of recipes that I have seen done in the past or have tried myself. Be sure to check them out!

Now, you know that the peppermint is the ‘boss herb’ for this winter season and beyond. You will not lose in adding this herb to your daily life – diet, skin care, sexual health care and beyond.

Happy pepperminted Holiday, Lovies!


Cool recipes featuring Peppermint

The easiest way to make peppermint extract by Elaina from The Rising Spoon
a tasty cup of protein shake with the peppermint flavours by Blair Lonergan from The Seasoned Mom
The famous peppermint cake done by Jamie from Love Bakes Good Cakes
Special peppermint brownies t by Rachel Connors on BakeRita

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