It’s a new year!

2019 is on the rise.

It’s going to be a new year filled with lots of time for new possibilities.

Achieving better sexual health should be in your top 5 things to do this year.

Your sexual health is important

Enjoying confidence about your sexual and reproductive life makes your life fulfilling as a female.

It facilitates the completion of the mind-body-soul therapeutic approach for having your best life.

This is not a matter of being ‘in a relationship’ or not.

Neither is this about giving birth to a child or not.

The fact is that neither of these is prerequisite for feeling like a woman.

You have to become one with yourself…

Be aware of your inner voice speaking…

Enjoy your own company…

Cultivate a healthy mind…

Be your own motivation, inspiration and creator of happiness…

Connect with the inner you that wants to create your destiny of greatness.

My Perspective

I feel confident about my sexuality.

I experience an inner sense of satisfaction every day.

I am happy to experience self-love every day…

I am, because the statements of sexists do not define me.

I am happy because whether or not I have a child or have a current beau, I am never less than any other woman who has.

I see myself as the all-rounded woman.

I feel like an absolute beauty.

You deserve it

I want YOU to embrace this kind of satisfaction.

2019 is the year to finally start taking care of YOU!

Lovies, you deserve every measure of care!

Every inch of your beautiful mind, body and soul deserves the best care that hands can give, and which money can buy.

You don’t even have to be fancy.

Just be willing to embrace your body and its intricacies.

You are phenomenal – every inch of you!

So, for this year, I need you to take the first step to a sex life full of satisfaction.

A body well-loved

The first thing to do is to address the body.

This temple of the female (goddess) is unique and specially designed by the Creator.

Taking care of your physical should never be for the sole purpose of attracting the opposite sex.

Your appearance (covered and uncovered) is for your enjoyment.

You have to look at your body and appreciate it.

Appreciate the real you

Look at the hairs on your head.

Check the contour of your naked face.

Beam at the beauty in your eyes.

Feel the awesome joy in your smile and laughter.

Love the plump of your breastupright or sagged.

See the curves of your tummy and back smooth and rolls.

Lovies, I want you to know that you are perfect in your ‘make’.

There is no one else like you therefore, YOU have to appreciate your unique model.

Positive affirmation

I can go on and on.

You have to give your mind a positive affirmation every day.

You must do it to beat the odds of all the negative, self-rejecting messages being broadcasted in our world, especially toward us, women!

Do not believe the lies that you must enhance everything in your body in order to have the perfect look.

There is no such thing as the perfect body!

“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford (née Hamilton)

There is no way a man can look at your body in the detailed way that YOU take notice of every spot on every inch of YOUR body.

Only you can see every so-called ‘blemish’ from a million miles away.

Honey, do not be fooled.

The beholder of your beauty is the Creator and YOU.

That is final!

Self-Care for the New Year

So, should you really be adding these tips to your list of new year’s resolution?

YES, you should!

Your health is of the utmost importance.

Because the conditions which affect your sexual life can be prevented and detected from early.

Plus, the tagline prevention is better than cure is the emphasis here.

So, let us get to the things that matter.

#1. Do a Pap Smear

This is the screening test for cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is caused by the HPV in about 98% cases.

The human papillomaviruses (HPV) enter the body through sexual contact

Hence, this could be called a ‘sexually transmitted cancer’if I can dare to call it that.

The fact that it is sexually transmitted means it can be prevented through safer sex practices.

Cervical cancer has devastating effects that you have no business meddling in.

Hence, the reason why your Pap smear is super important.

Early detection

By virtue of its screening function, pre-cancerous changes can be detected via the Pap smear.

There are 3 stages of those precancerous changes.

However, once detected and treated, there is less than 1% change of transformation of those pre-cancerous changes to full-blown cancer.

The odds of transformation are practically zero to none.

All you need to do to protect yourself is to start doing your Pap smears!!!

Result of the Pap Smear

If you have done a Pap smear before and your result was normal, you still need to do another one when it’s due.

If you did one before and the results were ABNORMAL, this is, even more, a pressing reason for you to resume Pap smears.

Once the Pap smears are abnormal, you will move on to COLPOSCOPY.

This is a microscopic assessment of the abnormal cervix.

The necessary treatment for those abnormalities can be done via another Colposcopy session.

Keep the cervix healthy

Don’t be caught in the estimated 12,000 women in the US who are diagnosed with cervical cancer yearly, according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC.

Prevent the abnormal nuisances from the cervical-HPV saga and live a healthy life full of peace and worry-free.

Check out my article on what to expect for your Pap smear.

#2. Get the HPV vaccine

This is another one of the best things since sliced bread!

The vaccine against the cancer-causing types of the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the addition to a super effective combo deal of cancer prevention.

This vaccine is mainly given to young children – pre-teen boys and girls.

They are less likely to have sexual encounters and exposure to the HPV.

Hence, after vaccination, they are essentially better protected against cancers if exposed to the HPV.

Having the vaccine will protect the cervix and penis from getting infected with the bug and inherently block transmission of the virus.

But what if you are no longer in adolescence?

You don’t have to worry!

The HPV vaccine is still suitable for females up to 26 years old.

Protection from other cancers

The cervix is mainly highlighted when it comes to the HPV-cancer saga.

However, HPV can cause cancer of the vagina and the rosy vulva. They are not as common as cervical cancer, but they are equally important.

This is also protective for men also against penile cancer.

HPV is also a culprit in anal cancers and some cancers of the head and neck.

Death by cervix

Would you really want to have cancer in your Yoni?

Take a moment to think about this…

It is essentially debilitating.

I have seen it with my own eyes!

I work in a country where women are afraid to do their Pap smears and  shy away from the HPV vaccine.

The reason for that, I have no idea.

Furthermore, they are the same ladies who present with very advanced cervical cancers.

Their cancers usually have spread to the Yoni and other pelvic organs.

I don’t want to get graphic here, but it’s pretty disturbing.

Burden of loss

I cry internally when I see young and not-so-young women dying from such a preventable cancer.

It is heart-breaking.

They are not supposed to die so young from a stupid cancer.

They were supposed to be around to have beautiful children and impact the world with their greatness.

The cancer took it all away from them and left their families suffering in pain for years after.

It is just not fair!

YOUR HEALTH WILL CHEAT YOU if you do not take care of it.

So, get on board and get the HPV vaccine this year!

P.S. If you have received the vaccine already, you must still get your regular Pap smears.

Keep in touch with your Ob&Gyn to know your schedule and keep on track.

Create the health you will enjoy.

Her Ob&Gyn Crae


I hope you know by now that the Yoni is a treasure chest.

This is YOUR treasure!

You enjoy it first!

You always come first.

It hurts to tell him but, your beau’s access to the goodies of your treasure chest is of a lesser value to you.

Quite frankly, taking care of the Yoni is all about you and not him.

You must put in the efforts of love to turn it into a true treasure chest and very invaluable delicacy.

I have an entire post dedicated to caring for the cookie right here for you to indulge.

Just remember to get back to this post.

There are more goodies here for you.


This one is for those who believe they can manage a little munchkin in their lives.

I love babies!

It’s my passion for obstetrics, basically.

But, if you want one of these charms, you must be prepared for it.

Enjoy the cookie, but, you better be in top shape to bring it on.

Start off with achieving a decent level of fitness.

You don’t have to do much.

You just need your body to be physically ready to take on the biological changes when it’s time to bake that pumpkin in your oven.

You also need to start taking the right vitamins complimented by a healthy diet.

Folic acid, iron supplements and prenatal vitamins such as Natele® are good examples.

P.S. If you smoke or drink alcohol, now would be a very good time to quit.

When to start?

It is best to start about six months in advance to when you start trying.

That is a lot of time to reach a good level of health.

If you can get there in a shorter time frame, knock yourself out.

However, pace yourself and stay focused through it all.

Get your Ob&Gyn specialist on board also.

They will provide good insight and plan for your success when you start trying.

If you have had any conditions which can cause infertility such as endometriosis and PCOS, you need to get the Ob&Gyn involved from early.


Yes! This year, mammograms are for you, your mom, your aunt and all your lovies!

The breasts are an important aspect of your sexuality.

Their development is essential to your evolution from puberty onwards.

They are also an important asset to your beauty and lovely goddess contour as a woman.

Not to mention their pleasure-point functions in love-making.

You have to watch out for these assets, lovies!

Age to start

If you are 40 years young and over, this is the perfect time to start screening for breast cancer.

If you are under 40 years, with a strong family, you must start screening earlier.

Ultrasounds and MRIs will do the job well.

Never forget the function of screening.

Detect the warning signs for a disaster before it happens, because, prevention is better than cure.

The cure for breast cancer can be debilitating.

Not every woman will have a chance at breast reconstruction.

Not every woman will live to see a ripe old age.

Don’t get named among the 240,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the USA every year. Don’t be amongst the over 400, 000 women who die from it either.

Protect your life and take nothing for granted.

Your life is precious to the world.


The heart is the gateway to the soul. The heart, in an emotional way, is actually your mind.

But, I’m sure you know that is not what I am talking about.

I am speaking about the heart pumping in your chest.

Yes, the one going “lub dub, lub dub…

The heart is a vital organ.

We only get one and it is of utmost importance to take care of it.

It matters not if you think or feel like you are young or on the golden end of the spectrum.

Your heart is your responsibility to care.

You cannot enjoy good sexual health and its physical demands without a well functioning heart.

A weak heart

Your heart’s function is dependent on good blood flow into its powerhouse muscles.

It needs blood in order to pump blood to the rest of your body.

Over time, the fats in our blood take part in a process called ATHEROSCLEROSIS.

This causes the deposition of fat plaques on the walls of all the arteries in the body.

These plaques can either build up or develop break-offs which heal with clots.

If either of those 2 things happens, the areas which those affected vessels supply blood are at super high risk of dying.

This is what happens in a heart attack and about 80% of strokes.

A heart attack

When the blood vessels become blocked and the areas supplied by those blood vessels starve to death from lack of oxygen and glucose.

There is no resurrection for the already dead tissues.

The damage cannot be undone.

We, doctors, can only try to restore blood flow to keep the other remaining live tissues from dying.

This is the reason we do stenting and thrombolysis (clot breakdown) for persons who get heart attacks.

A good heart

I hope this painted an appropriate scenario in your mind that keeping your heart healthy and blood vessels free from plaque build-up is important.

Right now, I won’t elaborate too much on the methods to get there. But, I will list the ones you should incorporate.

They are also the methods I have used over the years to reduce my risk for a heart attack

Here they are:

  • Healthy eating
    1. You add more vegetables
    2. You add more fruits but in right proportions (4 servings per day)
    3. Eliminate bad fats
    4. You reduce added sugars
    5. Remove soft drinks
    6. Have more fibre and whole wheat
  • Exercising
    1. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
    2. 15-minutes one-mile walks (Try Leslie Sansone on YT)
    3. High-intensity tension training (HITT)
  • Healthy weight control
    1. Check your BMI
    2. Draft a plan to drop your weight in 10lbs increments
    3. Keep up with healthy eating habits and portion size control
  • Reduce your stress levels
    1. Understand that stress is inevitable
    2. Make a plan to break down the stressors in your life
    3. Tackle each factor one step at a time
    4. Before you know it, you are back to your stress-free life
  • Dumping risky behaviours
    1. Lowering your blood pressure
    2. Avoid alcohol
    3. Quit smoking
    4. Let go of binging
    5. Hop over a sedentary lifestyle

Mastering these will take up the rest of your life.

Go ahead and start today!

The earlier you start, the better.

The younger, the better

If you can start the same for your children too, that would be awesome!

Because you just need 10 to 15 years of unhealthy eating and sedentary living to build up artillery that can instantly launch a heart attack.

I have been eating unhealthy for the last 22 years of my only 25-years life span.

Plus, I am still obese and dropping the weight slowly.

I am at high risk for a heart attack any day now.

I am nowhere out of the neck of the woods.

Hence, I am continuing the fight to take back control over my life and get to a healthier point and keep it there.

You should follow me on this journey too!

“Iron sharpeneth iron.”

Proverbs 27 v 17

You help me, while I help you.

Wrapping up

My lovies, this is just the tip of the iceberg about the things you should do to protect your sexual health.

Do not take them for granted.

They serve to care for the core aspects of a woman’s sexual health.

There is no satisfaction if you don’t have the heart to do those things which bring you pleasure.

There is no peace in your cervix when it is diseased and silently killing you slowly and dreadfully.

There is no fun in unhealthy breasts.

There is no treasure with a Yoni facing messy issues.

I can go on and on and on.

But, you can see why I want you to do your best to put your best life forward.

Do this for yourself!

Self-care is your responsibility.

Lovies, I hope you start walking on the path to a better sexual health.

Have a happier, healthier new year!


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